Meet Breann Loeber, whose journey at John Zink began during her sophomore year with the Koch All Access Program. This experience sparked her passion for combustion technology, leading her to join John Zink as an intern in 2021 and transition to a full-time role in 2022.
In her role, Breann blends technical design with customer interaction, working closely with customers to design flare systems that meet their needs. She also leads Oklahoma State University (OSU) campus recruiting, coordinates flare school at Koch Engineered Solutions Institute (KESI), and assists with intern programming, all while contributing to John Zink’s legacy of innovation and environmental stewardship.
During my sophomore year, I was selected for the Koch All Access Program, which introduced me to Koch’s guiding principles and the wide range of opportunities within the industry. This experience led me to John Zink, where my passion for combustion technology has flourished. I started as a flare applications engineer intern in the summer of 2021 and transitioned to the same role full-time by June 2022.
Applications engineering is a technical sales role. Four years ago, if you would’ve told me I’d be in sales, I would’ve laughed at you, but I find this position to be a perfect blend of technical design and meaningful customer interactions. I work closely with customers and end users to design flare systems that meet their needs, collaborating with engineering, estimating, and procurement teams to develop cohesive proposals. I also handle technical and commercial discussions to connect customers to our solutions and secure mutually beneficial sales.
In addition to my main role, I lead OSU Campus Recruiting, assist with our intern programming, and coordinate Flare School, where I find satisfaction in sharing knowledge and building relationships with customers and students.
Joining John Zink has been essential to my professional development and career advancement. Initially, the prospect of quoting opportunities usually reserved for more experienced team members was intimidating. However, embracing these challenges has been instrumental in my growth. My involvement in complex flare system quotations, the orchestration of flare school, and spearheading Oklahoma State Campus recruiting for Koch exemplify my journey. These roles have not only honed my technical expertise but also my leadership skills.
My aspiration has always been to find a career that is not only fulfilling but also allows me to make a tangible difference in the world. At John Zink, with its legacy in combustion and emissions control, I have the opportunity to further environmental stewardship and contribute to the creation of safer systems across a variety of industries.
To carry this legacy forward, we must continue to drive innovation and meet our partners’ evolving needs. By leading recruiting efforts, I’m also helping ensure that John Zink’s values and expertise are passed on, maintaining its esteemed position and shaping its future.
I’m proud to be part of John Zink, a business that pushes me to reach my potential and values both customer and internal relationships. A standout moment was when we urgently replaced a flare tip for a customer. Our team quickly came together, developed innovative solutions, and exceeded the client’s expectations. The customer’s gratitude reinforced the impact of our efforts and showed how John Zink’s values truly guide our work.
It is essential to be contribution motivated, willing to share your knowledge, and open to outside perspectives. Additionally, it is important to be humble and realize that you’re not always the smartest person in the room, and if you are, you need to go into another room to be challenged! It is essential that we challenge one another to keep continuously improving and innovating.
I have two cats: Simon & Garfunkel. I adopted Simon in November of 2022 and Garfunkel the following January. They are both “problem children,” though each in different ways. Simon is hardheaded and always getting into places/things he shouldn’t be (i.e. the closed kitchen cabinets). Garfunkel, on the other hand, is very sweet, but is very high maintenance due to some health problems. Overall, they’re the perfect pair, and I’m glad to have them as companions.