Gas Recovery

With Payback.

Our flare and vent/gas recovery systems are a smart strategy for your bottom line, offering effective emissions control with a valuable advantage: payback. We’ve engineered solutions for a wide variety of applications—more than 100 flare gas recovery systems in service and over 2,000 vapor combustion and vapor recovery installations.

Gas Recovery Solutions

Comprehensive Flare Gas Recovery

Comprehensive Flare Gas Recovery

System Integration Strategies.

Engineering: We’ll analyze your specific flare system and evaluate the economic feasibility of installing a flare gas recovery system at your facility.

Compressor Evaluation: We’ll determine which compressor technology—reciprocating, screw, liquid ring or sliding vane—is best suited for your specific application.

System Design: Our engineering team will ensure your flare gas recovery system is optimized to reduce NOx, SOx, CO and CO2 emissions.

Modular and Skid Mounted Systems: We provide a complete system—not just components—skid-packaged to simplify installation. Our systems incorporate automated controls using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). An Operator Interface Panel (OIP) can also be provided to enhance the monitoring capability of key process parameters and alarms, and problem diagnosis. Controls can also be integrated into an existing DCS.

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Engineering Capabilities

Engineering Capabilities

Leverage Our Experience.

Engineering Studies: We offer comprehensive flare gas recovery engineering studies to customize the size and design of your FGR system and its integration into your existing facility. These studies include a current assessment of your flaring operation; analysis and evaluation of integrating a FGR system into your facility; an economic feasibility summary; potential return on investment; operating and maintenance costs; and recommendations that will optimize your flare gas recovery system.

Engineering Packages: Once complete project funding is approved, we can manage costs and identify potential problems ahead of time through an engineering package. In this phase, our experts provide Front End Engineering Design (FEED) Level 2 engineering to support the project process. The FGR engineering package includes engineering and design work for the flare gas recovery system and FEED 2 deliverables for InSide Battery Limit (ISBL) equipment. Customer specifications are applied for FGR design and P&ID and PFD drawings are completed along with a 30-percent 3D model and major equipment data sheets.

Engineering Field Services: We provide engineers and technicians to assist in gas recovery start-ups and personnel training. This helps to ensure safe operation, prevent equipment damage and extend operating life. Our technicians are available for both scheduled maintenance and emergency callouts to keep your system operating at peak performance.

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Compressor Technology

Compressor Technology

Customized With The Best Tech.

Our experience as a leading manufacturer of flare systems gives us unmatched advantages when recommending flare gas recovery solutions. We customize your system with the compression technology that best meets your specific requirements.

  • Liquid Ring Compressors (LRC)
  • Reciprocating Compressors (RC)
  • Oil Injected (or flooded) Screw Compressors (FSC)
  • Dry Screw Compressors (DSC)
  • Sliding Vane Compressors (SVC)

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Liquid Seals & Back-Pressure Control

Liquid Seals & Back-Pressure Control

Field-Proven Peace Of Mind.

Flare gas recovery requires a back-pressure control device to isolate the flare from the flare header. This device must be fail-safe to allow a clear flow path of relieved gas to the flare during operation and emergency release. JZHC offers two proven technologies for this critical back-pressure control:

  • Quick Opening Valve Skid with Bypass
  • Deep Liquid Seal Vessel

Our liquid seal drums have proprietary internals that ensure a steady flow of gases to the flare tip to increase the maximum smokeless capacity of the flare with the minimum amount of supplemental energy. Our exclusive internals design, proven in numerous flares, minimizes noise caused by uneven combustion. Our surge-resistant internals also minimize entrainment and provide a positive flame arrestor in the event of a flashback.

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Reduce, Recover, Reuse.

Our gas recovery systems are used in floating, production, storage, and offloading offshore platforms to reduce vent and flare emissions. The recovered gas from this application is typically boosted into the inlet of a gas production compressor or used as fuel. The total cost of a project (equipment and installation) is typically recovered in two to three years (sometimes less) depending on system throughput.

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Max Performance for Midstream.

Whether your application requires a complex flare gas recovery system or a standard vapor recovery product, we can provide a solution to:

  • Reduce plant emissions
  • Recover valuable liquids
  • Reduce plant fuel consumption
  • Provide a rapid return on investment

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Environmental Control, Excellent Payback.

Our flare gas recovery systems are used in petroleum refineries to reduce flare emissions and offset the plant’s purchased fuel gas. The total cost of a project (equipment and installation) is typically recovered in two to three years (sometimes less) depending on system throughput and the value of recovered gas.

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  • Petroleum refineries
  • Gas treatment and NGL plants
  • Chemical production
  • Storage tank vent recovery
  • FPSO offshore platforms

How Gas Recovery Systems Work.

A flare system consists of a vapor header that collects the flare gases from various sources, a knockout vessel, a liquid seal vessel, and the flare itself. The flare gas recovery unit connection is typically located between the knockout vessel and the liquid seal. The primary control variable of a JZHC flare gas recovery unit is flare system header pressure.

JZHC Flare System Infographic

ROI/Recover Costs.

A Smart Investment

Reduced facility emissions: Flare gas recovery and re-use is a great option to reduce emissions. Emissions credits can be used elsewhere in the facility, sold, or used to avoid purchasing additional credits.

Improved public relations: Our flare gas recovery units reduce flare operation to a minimum for a substantial reduction of visible flames, noise or odors.

Reduced purchase gas requirements and/or increased salable gas: Normal operation at refineries, chemical plants, and other industrial facilities generates a flare gas with substantial heating value. Our FGR systems recover that flare gas for use as fuel, feedstock, or product. In most situations, the value of the recovered product is more than the cost to recover it, and some very dramatic paybacks are achieved when volatile energy prices trend upward.

Zero impact on safety relief system: When properly executed, flare gas recovery can be seamlessly integrated into existing flare systems without compromising performance or safety.

Extended flare-tip life: The life of a flare tip is related to the amount of usage, so a reduction in flare operation may extend the flare-tip life for years.

Reduced steam consumption: Steam is frequently used to suppress smoke in flares. Recovering flare gas reduces the amount of flare gas for combustion and thus reduces steam usage. A reduction in steam utility usually has an associated, measurable financial benefit.

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Our flare gas recovery systems provide positive cash flow and an attractive ROI. The total cost of the project (equipment and installation) is typically recovered in two to three years (sometimes less) depending on system throughput and value of recovered gas.

Flare Gas Sweetening.

Typical H2S concentration in overhead gas is 50 ppm. John Zink Hamworthy Combustion, however, can effectively lower the H2S in recovered flare gas to meet your specifications.